Louis Erickson & Sam Blowes of Bit-Wizards
SMB Community PodcastJune 25, 202428:0338.53 MB

Louis Erickson & Sam Blowes of Bit-Wizards

Host James sits down with Louis Erickson and Sam Blowes of Bit-Wizards for an exclusive interview. 

Louis Erickson is the co-founder and COO, and Sam Blowes is the Director of Solution Consulting at Bit-Wizards–an award winning IT services provider based in Florida.

Louis is a serial entrepreneur that has built and grown several technology companies and departments, starting with Bit-Wizards’ Custom Software Engineering department. From there, Louis fostered the Bit-Wizards’ Digital Marketing department, the Bit-Wizards' Managed IT Services department, and finally, co-parenting communication service, TalkingParents.

Sam Blowes is the Director of Solution Consulting at Bit-Wizards. He helps clients integrate their businesses into Microsoft’s Cloud based project management system and central hub. He works in the IT department internally, providing support and SharePoint integration for his co-workers. He’s a technology enthusiast in many areas, and is a creative problem solver.

Check them out: https://bitwizards.com/


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IT,tech,marketing,AI,MSP,Customer Service,tech news,SMB Community Podcasts,Karl Palachuck,small biz thoughts,Managed Service Provider,amy babinchak,IT industry,third tier,ChatGPT,james kernan consulting,james kern,IT Service Provider,bitwizards,